A new job in a new city is an exciting adventure.
It is probably something you’ve been working toward for a while now. But even so, when it actually becomes a reality, the whole idea of relocating can be overwhelming.
It is stressful to find a new home, pack up your current home, load everything into a moving truck, and unpack it on the other end all while starting a new job. If you have a family, that stress goes to a whole new level. Now you have the well-being of your spouse and kids to be concerned about as well.
You may feel like you’re under the gun to find a new home before you move to a new city, but that’s really not the case.
Many people take it more slowly, spending one to three months in corporate housing while they get to know the area. This approach will allow you to take your time and find the right neighborhood and the right home for your family.
Using corporate housing when moving to a new city will keep everyone together and involved in the process, helping your kids adjust more quickly.
Breaking the News that You’re Moving to a New City
Breaking the news to your kids that the family is moving to a new city is nerve-wracking. But it’s important that they are the first to know. The last thing you want is for them to find out from someone other than you that life as they know it is about to change.
Little kids that haven’t started school yet, won’t have established friendships yet and will be able to adjust more quickly to their new environment.
That said, they will need more details when it comes to understanding what will and will not be coming with them on this great adventure. For example, their dog, their brother, and their toys will be coming along. But the house, their favorite playground, and maybe grandpa and grandma will stay behind.
Older kids are going to need more help adjusting to the idea of moving. Since they already have established social circles, it can be a challenge to start over.
Either way, it is important to focus on what they can look forward to in their new city. Talk about what you hope to find in your new home, or the new school they will attend. What is the weather like in the new city? Are there fun activities that your family will enjoy like a professional sports team, an awesome children’s museum, or a super-cool zoo? Lifestorage.com
Stay in Corporate Housing the First Few Months in Your New City
Adjusting to a completely new environment is difficult. A good way to help your kids adjust is by taking it slow and allowing them to be part of the process.
Staying in corporate housing for the first few months will allow you to keep the family together. Rather than having one parent relocate ahead of time, moving the family all at once gives you the support system that will be helpful as everyone adjusts to the new surroundings. Not to mention, your old house might be easier to sell if you aren’t having to keep it “show-ready” while living there with kids.
If you move the family to your new city together, then everyone can have a say in the new home. And if a home that ticks all your “must-have” boxes is put on the market on a Tuesday, you can be there Tuesday night to look at it.
Maybe you find homes in two different neighborhoods that you like. Having your middle-schooler there will give them the opportunity to weigh in on things that are important to them. Perhaps at one, they would have a rec room in the basement, or the other might be closer to a skate park. By including them in big decisions like this they will be more invested, which will be helpful as they adjust to the new city.

Choosing a Kid-Friendly Corporate Housing Provider
As you are deciding on a corporate housing company to work with for your temporary accommodations, keep in mind that some are more kid-friendly than others.
At Viciniti, we think it is important to make sure every member of your family feels welcome and cared for. When your kids are coming along, be sure to let us know. We can ensure that your apartment is set up to best suit your family.
Customizations like twin beds, a high chair, or pack ‘n’ play, can all be ready to go in your apartment before you arrive. We can also recommend communities that feature amenities your family will enjoy like a playground, walking trails, or a family-friendly swimming pool.
Viciniti also has local staff in most of our cities. Since we live and raise our own families there, we can offer suggestions on all sorts of things like school districts, sports clubs, summer camps, and family-friendly restaurants.

Use the Amenities in the Apartment Community
While you are between homes, be sure to take advantage of all the benefits of corporate housing. As new apartment communities are being built, they are constantly trying to outdo each other when it comes to their amenities. And since most corporate housing is in these newer communities, you will have plenty of them to enjoy. Some of the amenities you may find include:
- Resort-style swimming pool
- High-end fitness center
- Theater room
- Coffee bar
- Playground
- Dog park
- Game room
Enjoy them. You have enough stress when you move a family to a new city. Take advantage of the perks included with your apartment.
Make your Corporate Apartment Feel Like Home
Okay, we all know that the time you spend between homes will have its challenges. If your family is used to a large home, a two-bedroom apartment is going to feel cramped at some point. But being in close quarters could also help everyone feel more secure and connected.
Even though the apartment will be fully furnished, you will still want to have some familiar things from home. A few small toys for the kids are a must. You may also want to bring the blanket or pillows from their bed at home, or pictures of loved ones.
Our sense of smell, while often overlooked, can quickly bring us back to a feeling or a place. If you use a particular scent to freshen your home, bring it along to your corporate apartment. You may be surprised by how comforting that familiar aroma can be.
Review Safety Procedures With Your Family
Since corporate apartments are located within a residential community, they are typically very safe. However, being in a new place, it is important to review basic safety. Help your child to:
- Memorize the address of your apartment including the building number and apartment number
- Learn new phone numbers, like your new office number or the on-site security patrol
- Keep a list of emergency contacts. This might include friends that live in the new city, the leasing office, or the guest services number for your corporate housing provider.
- Make sure everyone is familiar with the building and the community. Walk around together and make note of emergency exits, stairways, and fire extinguishers.
- Determine a meeting place in case of an emergency.
- Establish where kids are allowed to go on their own.
Discovering Your New City
Moving a family to a new city, while stressful, is a great adventure. Help your kids to feel at home in their new hometown by getting out as much as possible.
By visiting the local attractions early on, you can start off with positive experiences for your kids. Yes, they’re away from what is familiar, but they are making fun new memories.
As you explore new stores and markets, get the kids involved by letting them find places to visit on the map. This will help them to become more familiar with where things are in the city.
It is also important to find activities your kids enjoy right away. Your older kids, especially, are going to need these activities to quickly make new friends. (Mom and dad can benefit from this as well.)
Depending on the activities your kids enjoy, finding sports teams, scout troops, a new place of worship, or summer camps can all help your kids create those social circles quickly. Psychologytoday.com
If you’re considering a move to a new city, get in touch with Viciniti to learn more about corporate housing options. Our local staff can help you determine the best area for your family and can suggest communities that your family will enjoy.